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Zagađenje životne sredine teškim metalima i monitoring biodiverziteta gradova Kosovske Mitrovice i Zvečana

dc.creatorDražević, Ljubinka
dc.creatorPetrović, Rada
dc.creatorIvanović, Radomir
dc.creatorOnjia, Antonije
dc.description.abstractResearch takes place in areas of Kosovska Mitrovica and Zvecan with the aim to determine content of following heavy metals: Pb, Cd, Cr, Hg, Zn and also pH values in surface water of Ibar river, underground waters (wells) and soil immediately near mesurment places of water on 30 m depth. Research of heavy metals presence and pH values in samples of surface and underground waters was done seasonaly, during spring, summer, autumn and winter of 2006. and 2007. While pH values and heavy metals in soil samples were examined during cold (winter) and worm(summer) periods. This kind of heavy metals presence examination in life environment was done with purpose of finding out level of their presence after Metallurgical, Mining and Chemical Combine 'Trepca' as a main pollutant stops working in year 1999, also to mention that ' Trepca' were primary pollutant for wider area than those in which research takes place. Concentration of heavy metals in samples of water from Ibar River and wells, also Cadmium in soil samples were determined by using Atom absorption spectrometry-graphite techniques and by techniques of cold steams (Hg). Other heavy metals in soil samples were determined by using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Results of heavy metals content (expect Hg) in soil samples show us considerably high concentration of those, more than maximum allowed concentration (MAC) , while in water beside few exceptions its content is less than MAC for drinking water. Parallel researching presence of heavy metals in natural water and soil can give us insight into state of environmental pollution and biodiversity of research area. It is noticeable that biodiversity of aqua ecosystem ie. Ibar Rivear is satisfied. While on other side biodivesity of soil is very reduced and changed.en
dc.description.abstractNa područjima Kosovske Mitrovice i Zvečana ispitivan je sadržaj teških metala: Pb, Cd, Cr, Hg, Zn i pH vrednost u površinskoj vodi reke Ibar , podzemnim vodama (bunarima) i zemljišta u neposrednoj blizini mernih mesta za vode na dubini od 30 cm. Ispitivanja teških metala i pH vrednosti u uzorcima površinskih i podzemnih voda su urađena sezonski, tj. za četiri godišnja doba (proleće, leto, jesen i zima) 2006. i 2007. godine. pH vrednost i teški metali u uzorcima zemljišta ispitani su u hladnom (zima) i toplom (leto) periodu. Na ovakav način ispitivanja teških metala u životnoj sredini ispitivanog područja odlučeno je da bi se ustanovio sadržaj istih nakon prestanka rada industrijskih postrojenja Rudarsko-metalurškohemijskog Kombinata, RMHK'Trepča', 1999. g. kao primarnog zagađivača teškim metalima životne sredine ispitivanog područja i šire. Koncentracija teških metala u uzorcima vode Ibra i bunara, kao i kadmijuma iz uzoraka zemljišta, određena je atomskom apsorpcionom spektrometrijom-grafitnom tehnikom i tehnikom hladnih para (Hg). U uzorcima zemljišta, ostali teški metali su određeni metodom X-ray fluoroscentne spektrometrije. Rezultati sadržaja teških metala u uzorcima zemljišta, izuzev Hg, pokazuju znatno povišenu koncentraciju iznad maksimalno dozvoljene koncentracije (MDK), a u vodama je, uz male izuzetke, sadržaj manji od MDK za vodu za piće. Ispitivani teški metali, uporedo, za prirodne vode i zemljište mogu pružiti uvid u stanje zagađenosti životne sredine i biodiverziteta na ispitivanom području. Tako je primetno da je biodiverzitet akvatičnog ekosistema tj. reke Ibar zadovoljavajući. Dok zemljišni biodiverzitet je veoma smanjen i izmenjen.sr
dc.publisherNaučno-stručno društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije - Ecologica, Beograd
dc.subjectheavy metalsen
dc.subjectenvironment and biodiversityen
dc.subjectteški metalisr
dc.subjectživotna sredinasr
dc.titleEnvironmental pollution by heavy metals and biodiversity monitoring of places Kosovska Mitrovica and Zvečanen
dc.titleZagađenje životne sredine teškim metalima i monitoring biodiverziteta gradova Kosovske Mitrovice i Zvečanasr
dc.citation.other17(59): 355-358



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