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Simulacija rada visoke peći prilikom supstitucije koksa i sprašenog uglja granulisanom otpadnom plastikom

dc.creatorKovačević, Tihomir
dc.creatorKamberović, Željko
dc.creatorKorać, Marija
dc.creatorAnđić, Zoran M.
dc.creatorVasić, Aleksandar V.
dc.description.abstractThe possibility of using the waste plastic as reducing agent in blast furnace for obtaining pig iron is in focus for the past couple year. The simulation of blast furnace process in BFC software has been performed in order to analyze the coke and coals saving, CO2 emission and determining the economic benefits. Three different batches were made for comparative analysis, depending on the batch composition and input of batch components into the blast furnace: case 1 (C1), case 2 (C2) and case 3 (C3). The base case, C1 contains sinter (bulk material) which is needed for obtaining 1 tone of pig iron, quartz which provides slag alkalinity and coke as reducing and energy agent. C2 has the same components as C1, but contains pulverized coal instead one part of coke and C3 contains granulated waste plastic instead coke in an approximately the same amount as pulverized coal. The substitution of coke with pulverized coal and waste plastic is 18.6 % and 25.2 %, respectively. The economic, productivity and ecologic aspects have been analyzed. The consumption of each tone of waste plastic in blast furnace saves 360 $, which is 18 times more than its price, bearing in mind that the market price of coke is 380 $/t % and waste plastic 20 $/t. Regarding the specific productivity, it decreases from 2.13 for C1 to 1.87 for C3. From an environmental aspect there are two main benefits: reduction of CO2 emission and impossibility of dioxin formation. The CO2 emission was 20.18, 19.46 and 17.21 for C1, C2 and C3, respectively.en
dc.description.abstractMogućnost upotrebe otpadne plastike kao reducenta u visokoj peći je u fokusu interesovanja poslednjih godina. U cilju analize uštede koksa i uglja, smanjenja emisije CO2 i utvrđivanja ekonomskih benefita urađena je simulacija visokopećnog procesa u BFC programskom paketu. Radi uporedne analize simulirana su tri slučaja u zavisnosti od sastava šarže i načina unošenja komponenti šarže u visoku peć: sučaj 1 (S1), slučaj 2 (S2) i slučaj 3 (S3). Šarža u baznom slučaju, S1, se sastoji od sintera, tj. zasipa koji je potreban da se dobije 1 t gvožđa, topitelja koji obezbeđuje bazicitet troske i koksa kao reducenta i energenta. Šarža u slučaju S2, pored komponenata koje sadrži šarža u slučaju S1, sadrži sprašeni ugalj umesto jednog dela koksa, a šarža u slučaju S3 umesto koksa sadrži granulisanu otpadnu plastiku u približno istoj količini kao sprašeni ugalj. Supstitucija koksa sprašenim ugljem i otpadnom plastikom je 18,6 % i 25,2 %, respektivno. Analizirani su ekonomski, proizvodni i ekološki aspekti rada peći. Potrošnja svake tone otpadne plastike u visokoj peći štedi cca 360 $, što je 18 puta više od njene cene imajući u vidu da je tržišna cena koksa 380 $/t, a otpadne plastike 20 $/t. Što se tiče specifične proizvodnosti, ista opada od 2,13 za S1 do 1,87 za S3. Sa ekološkog aspekta postoje dva glavna benefita: smanjenje emisije CO2 i nemogućnost formiranja dioksina. Emisija CO2 je bila 20,18; 19,46 i 17,21 % za S1, S2 i S3, respektivno.sr
dc.publisherSavez inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/34033/RS//
dc.subjectcoke substitutionen
dc.subjectwaste plasticen
dc.subjectprocess simulationen
dc.subjectCO2 emissionen
dc.subjectvariable costsen
dc.subjectsupstitucija koksasr
dc.subjectotpadna plastikasr
dc.subjectsimulacija procesasr
dc.subjectemisija CO2sr
dc.subjectvarijabilni troškovisr
dc.titleSimulation of blast furnace operation during the substitution of coke and pulverized coal with granulated waste plasticen
dc.titleSimulacija rada visoke peći prilikom supstitucije koksa i sprašenog uglja granulisanom otpadnom plastikomsr
dc.citation.other69(5): 772-778



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