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Uklanjanje cinka iz otpadnih voda kompleksirajuće-mikrofiltracionim procesom

dc.creatorTrivunac, Katarina
dc.creatorSekulić, Zoran
dc.creatorStevanović, Slavica
dc.description.abstractDue to its wide industrial applications, zinc has become an important contaminant in aquatic environments since it is a toxic heavy metal and some of its compounds, such as zinc arsenate and zinc cyanide, may be extremely hazardous. Therefore, there is a growing need to develop simple methods capable of separating and recovering trace zinc from environmental waters. Nowadays, ultra- and microfiltration methods for trace metals removal from waters by the addition of a water-soluble polymer into the aqueous solutions have become a significant area of research. The choice of water-soluble macroligands remains important for the development of this technology. Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (Na-CMC) was selected as the complexing agent. The microfiltration experiments were performed in a stirred dead-end cell. Versapor membranes were used to separate the formed polymer-metal complex. The concentration of heavy metal ions after microfiltration in aqueous solution was determined using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The effects of the amount of complexing agent, pH value, type of anion, ionic strength and operating pressure on the flux (J) and rejection coefficient (R) were investigated. Experimental results indicate a considerable influence of the pH, ionic strength and type of anion on the rejection coefficient, while the effect of the amount of the complexing agent was relatively insignificant. The Na-CMC used in the research proved very effective, which is supported by the high rejection coefficients obtained (99%).en
dc.description.abstractKao rezultat njegove široke industrijske primene, cink i njegova jedinjenja su postali značajne zagađujuće materije vodenih resursa. Zbog toga je postalo neophodno razvijati nove metode za njihovo uklanjanje, koje bi bile efikasne, jednostavne i neškodljive po životnu sredinu. Među njima, metoda membranske filtracije se pokazala kao veoma uspešna za uklanjanje različitih zagađujućih materija, posebno u kombinaciji sa makromolekulima. Veliki broj istraživanja usmeren je na izbor selektivnog i specifičnog makromolekula. U radu je proučavan kompleksirajuće-filtracioni proces za uklanjanje jona cinka pomoću natrijum-karboksimetil celuloze. Mikrofiltracija je vršena u ćeliji sa mešanjem. Separacija formiranih kompleksa je vršena na Versapor mikrofiltracionim membranama. Koncentracija jona metala posle mikrofiltracije je određena atomskom apsorpcionom spektroskopijom. Ispitani su uticaji količine kompleksirajućeg sredstva, pH vrednosti rastvora, radnog pritiska, jonske jačine i anjona na fluks i koeficijent zadržavanja. Eksperimentalni rezultati su pokazali značajan uticaj pH, jonske jačine i anjona na koeficijent zadržavanja, dok koncentracija kompleksirajućeg sredstva nije imala značajan uticaj na proces. Natrijum karboksimetil celuloza se pokazala kao uspešno sredstvo za uklanjanje jona cinka što se može zaključiti na osnovu postignutog veoma visokog koeficijenta zadržavanja jona cinka od 99 %.sr
dc.publisherSerbian Chemical Society, Belgrade
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/172007/RS//
dc.sourceJournal of the Serbian Chemical Society
dc.subjectheavy metal ionsen
dc.subjectwastewater treatmenten
dc.titleZinc removal from wastewater by a complexation-microfiltration processen
dc.titleUklanjanje cinka iz otpadnih voda kompleksirajuće-mikrofiltracionim procesomsr
dc.citation.other77(11): 1661-1670



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