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Procena integriteta zavarenih cevi

dc.creatorŠarkočević, Živče
dc.creatorArsić, Miodrag
dc.creatorSedmak, Aleksandar
dc.creatorMeđo, Bojan
dc.creatorMišić, Milan
dc.description.abstractThe subject of the paper is analysis of the integrity of welded pipes made of API J55 steel by high frequency contact welding (HF). Experimental research on the mechanical properties of the base material was conducted on pipes withdrawn from exploatation after 70 000 hours at service. Defect influence of the surface crack on the integrity of pipes was tested using hydrostatic pressure of pipes with axial surface crack in the base material. Fracture behaviour was tested using modified compact specimen (CT), with the initial crack in the base material, welded joint and heat affected zone (HAZ). Critical value of the tensile strength factors KIc was determined based on the critical value J of the integral JIc. Apart from the experimental research, based on the derived values of Kr and Sr and by applying fracture analysis diagram (FAD) an assessment of the integrity of welded pipes with axial surface crack on the outer surface area was conducted.en
dc.description.abstractPredmet rada je analiza integriteta zavarenih cevi izrađenih od čelika API J55 visokofrekventnim kontaktnim zavarivanjem (VF). Eksperimentalna ispitivanja mehaničkih osobina osnovnog materijala su izvršena na cevima povučenim iz ekspolatacije posle 70 000 sati rada. Uticaj oštećenja tipa površinske prsline na integritet cevi ispitan je hidrostatičkim pritiskom cevi sa aksijalnom površinskom prslinom u osnovnom materijalu. Ponašanje pri lomu je ispitivano korištenjem modifikovanih kompaktnih epruveta za zatezanje (CT), s početnom prslinom u osnovnom materijalu, zavarenom spoju i zoni uticaja toplote (ZUT). Kritična vrednost faktora intenziteta napona KIc određena je na osnovu kritične vrednosti J integrala JIc. Osim eksperimentalnog istraživanja, na osnovu dobijenih vrednosti za Kr i Sr primenom dijagrama analize loma (FAD) izvršena je procena integriteta zavarenih cevi sa aksijalnom površinskom prslinom na spoljašnjoj površ
dc.publisherEngineering Society for Corrosion, Belgrade, Serbia
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/35002/RS//
dc.sourceZaštita materijala
dc.subjectseam casing pipesen
dc.subjectaxial surface cracken
dc.subjecthigh frequency contact weldingen
dc.subjectfracture analysis diagram (FAD)en
dc.subjectaksijalna površinska prslinasr
dc.subjectvisokofrekventno kontaktno zavarivanjesr
dc.subjectdijagram analize loma (FAD)sr
dc.titleAssessment of the integrity of welded pipesen
dc.titleProcena integriteta zavarenih cevisr
dc.citation.other55(3): 287-292

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