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dc.creatorPejin, Jelena
dc.creatorPribić, Milana
dc.creatorMojović, Ljiljana
dc.creatorĐukić-Vuković, Aleksandra
dc.creatorMladenović, Dragana
dc.creatorKocić-Tanackov, Suncica
dc.description.abstractThe huge popularity of beer arises from its pleasant sensory attributes and favorable nutritional characteristics as well as its lower cost, compared to other types of alcoholic beverages. The most important raw materials for beer production are barley malt, water, hops, and yeast. However, nowadays, replacement of barley malt has been accelerated by using interesting choices of different cereals like unmalted barley, wheat, corn, rice, triticale, leading to the creation of unique beers. Adjuncts are often referred to as starch-rich cereals other than barley malt that are used for several reasons like cost effectiveness and beer sensory. It is estimated that up to approximately 85–90% of beers on the market worldwide are brewed with adjuncts. In Europe, small craft breweries are making their appearance steadily and with great potential, since an annual increase of around 10% in micro breweries’ revenue is expected until 2021. The amount of adjuncts used for brewing, depend on several factors: required beer quality, adjunct cost and starch content, available mashing technology, and a need for commercial enzymes usage. One of the main limitations of adjuncts is low nitrogen content. As most types of adjuncts have a lower nitrogen content than malt, usage of too much adjuncts can lead to a reduced free amino nitrogen content in wort, which is an essential component for the growth of yeast cells. However, a cereal like triticale is an exception. Also, triticale has a low gelatinization temperature, which indicates its capablity of degrading its own starch with efficiencies equal to those of barley malt, so it doesn’t require additional thermal process. The usage of triticale in brewing could give viscosous mash, which could lead to a slower beer filtration. The objective of this study was to evaluate the possibility of triticale application as partial substitute for barley malt in wort production. Different triticale varieties (NS Paun and Odisej) were used in a different proportions in beer production with or without addition of commercial enzyme for wort viscosity reduction - Shearzyme. Regarding extract content triticale varieties NS Paun and Odisej could be used as the substitute for barley malt up to 70%, with and without the addition of commercial enzyme Shearzyme. However, with an increase in triticale content in the grist, viscosity increased, which was corrected with the addition of commercial enzyme Shearzyme. Triticale variety Odisej, without enzyme addition, could be used as the substitute for barley malt up to 30%, regarding obtained wort viscosity, while with the enzyme addition, it could be used up to 70%. The obtained results indicate that both triticale varieties had good technological parameters and could be used as a partial substitute for barley malt in wort production.sr
dc.description.abstractVelika popularnost piva proističe iz prijatnih senzorskih osobina i povoljnih nutritivnih osobina, kao i usled nižih troškova proizvodnje u poređenju sa drugim vrstama alkoholnih pića. Najvažnije sirovine za proizvodnju piva su ječmeni slad, voda, hmelj i kvasac. Međutim, danas je sve više zastupljena zamena ječmenog slada različitim žitaricama poput nesladovanog ječma, pšenice, kukuruza, pirinča, tritikalea, što dovodi do proizvodnje piva jedinstvenih osobina. Nesladovanim sirovinama se nazivaju žitarice, osim ječmenog slada, koje su bogate skrobom i koje se koriste iz nekoliko razloga, poput isplativosti i senzorskih osobina piva. Procenjuje se da se oko 85–90% piva na tržištu širom sveta proizvodi uz dodatak nesladovanih sirovina. U Evropi je razvoj malih zanatskih pivara u konstantnom porastu i ima veliki potencijal. Procenjuje se da će godišnji porast prihoda mini pivara, do 2021. godine, iznositi oko 10%. Količina nesladovanih sirovina, koja se koristi u proizvodnji piva, zavisi od nekoliko faktora: zahtevan kvalitet piva, cena nesladovanih sirovina i sadržaj skroba, dostupna tehnologija postupka komljenja i potreba za dodatkom komercijalnih enzima. Jedno od glavnih ograničenja nesladovanih sirovina je nizak sadržaj azota, a kako nesladovane sirovine uglavnom imaju niži sadržaj azota od slada, njihova prekomerna upotreba može dovesti do smanjenog sadržaja slobodnog amino azota u sladovini, što je esencijalna komponenta za rast ćelija kvasca. Međutim, žitarica poput tritikalea je izuzetak. Tritikale odlikuje i niska temperatura klajsterizacije, što ukazuje na sposobnost razgradnje sopstvenog skroba sa efikasnošću ječmenog slada. Samim tim, tritikale ne zahteva dodatni postupak termičke obrade. Međutim, upotreba tritikalea u proizvodnji piva može dovesti do povećane viskoznosti sladovine, što može dovesti do sporije filtracije piva. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio procena mogućnosti primene tritikalea kao delimične zamene jemenog slada u proizvodnji sladovine. Različite sorte tritikalea (NS Paun i Odisej) su korišćene u različitim udelima u proizvodnji piva, sa ili bez dodatka komercijalnog enzima za smanjenje viskoznosti sladovine - Shearzyme. U pogledu sadržaja ekstrakta, sorte tritikalea NS Paun i Odisej se mogu koristiti kao zamena za ječmeni slad do 70%, sa i bez dodavanja komercijalnog enzima Shearzyme. Međutin, s porastom sadržaja tritikalea u usipku, viskoznost se povećavala, što je korigovano dodatkom komercijalnog enzima Shearzyme. Sorta tritikalea Odisej je, bez dodatka enzima, mogla da zameni ječmeni slad do 30%, u pogledu viskoznosti sladovine, dok je sa dodatkom enzima, mogla da zameni 70% ječmenog slada u usipku. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da su obe sorte tritikale imale dobre tehnološke parametre, te da se mogu koristiti kao delimična zamena ječmenog slada u proizvodnji sladovine.sr
dc.publisherNacionalno društvo za procesnu tehniku i energetiku u poljoprivredi, Novi Sadsr
dc.source7th International conference sustainable postharvest and food technologies - INOPTEPsr
dc.subjectnesladovane sirovinesr
dc.titleApplication of unmalted raw materials in brewingsr



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