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Mikromehanička karakterizacija staklo-epoksi kompozita izloženog zateznom opterećenju

dc.creatorPetrović, Jelena M.
dc.creatorBekrić, Dragoljub
dc.creatorVujičić, Ivica T.
dc.creatorDimić, Ivana
dc.creatorPutić, Slaviša
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of the research presented in this paper was to carry out a statistical-mechanical analysis concerning the tensile test of glass-epoxy composite materials in order to calculate their relevant tension properties and micromechanical structure destruction process. The analysis was done at room temperature, and its results were derived based on the structure of the glass woven 280 g/m², 'twill texture' with the width value of 100 cm, type - Interglass 92125, and epoxy resin type MGS L 135. Samples were shaped by hands with 35% of fabric volume part. The consumed portion of resin was 220 g/m², the thickness of the laminate was 0.308 mm, and the mass of the laminate was 500 g/m2. There were a total of eight layers built in the panel. The micromechanical analysis was derived from the crack surfaces data collected on a scanning electronic microscope, and it showed the mechanisms of damage, and development of cracks until the occurrence of the final break under the tension load.en
dc.description.abstractPredmet i cilj istraživanja prikazanih u ovom radu su statičko mehanička ispitivanja na zatezanje staklo-epoksi kompozitnog materijala radi dobijanja njegovih relevantnih zateznih svojstava i mikromehaničke analize oštećenja strukture. Ispitivanja su izvedena na sobnoj temperaturi. Analizirani su kompoziti na osnovu epoksidne smole tipa MGS LR 135 i staklenog platna 280 g/m², 'twill' širine 100 cm, tip - Interglas 92125. Uzorci su oblikovani ručnom metodom sa 35% zapreminskog udela vlakana. Utrošak smole je bio 220 g/m², debljina laminata 0,308 mm a masa laminata 500 g/m2. Ukupno je ugrađeno 8 platana u panelu. Analizom prelomnih površina na skening elektronskom mikroskopu izvedena je mikromehanička analiza kojom se došlo do saznanja o mehanizmima oštećenja i razvoju prsline do konačnog loma pri delovanju zateznog optereć
dc.publisherFaculty of Technology, Novi Sad
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/174004/RS//
dc.sourceActa periodica technologica
dc.subjectglass-epoxy composite materialsen
dc.subjecttension mechanical propertiesen
dc.subjectmicromechanical analysisen
dc.subjectstaklo-epoksi kompozitni materijalisr
dc.subjectzatezna mehanička svojstvasr
dc.subjectmikromehanička analizasr
dc.titleMicrostructural characterization of glass-epoxy composites subjected to tensile testingen
dc.titleMikromehanička karakterizacija staklo-epoksi kompozita izloženog zateznom opterećenjusr
dc.citation.other(44): 151-162



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